Despite the late start, spring has finally arrived ~ I mowed the lawn for the first time on May Day. I think that is the earliest I've ever mowed! The seedlings I planted in the dead of winter are flourishing. I started squash, peppers, cucumbers. I purchased two tomato plants and a rosemary and cilantro as well. All are loving the warmth of our dining room. I even transplanted the spider plant to a roomier pot so it can stretch its legs.
The last full moon of May is the 25th, I believe (the flower moon, as the Native Americans call it). After that, the boys and I will be able to plant our garden. We are expanding it 200% this year, and all three of us will have our own section. My eldest plans to grow pumpkins and strawberries, my youngest is convinced we can start our own cactus stand and sell cactii (the proper term for the plural of cactus, according to my expert). My section will be decidedly the food eating section. =) I'm hoping if there is a plethora, I might try my hand at canning this year ~ more on that if it comes to fruition.
The down side of the springtime has been funds have been limited. I hesitate to disclose too much (this is public after all); suffice it to say I have been paring down even more, selling what I can to make up the difference. The good news is that I have a few extra hours in this week's paycheck, and with a bit of ingenuity I am able to cover the bills this month. Next month we will see how it goes. Other than my worrying (which I really need to stop), nothing has changed yet. I just need to trust that things will work out, however they are meant to, and I will be fine. I have the boys, the sun is shining, and right now is good.