Saturday, March 17, 2012

What Kind of Company Are You Keeping?

Perhaps it is the promise of Spring in the air, but this time of year lends itself to a fresh start, a clean slate if you will. I have been reading about minimalism and become inspired to pare down. I have way too much stuff. Seriously. I thought downsizing from an over 2,000 square foot house to a little over 1,500 square foot house meant I had accomplished much. Indeed, many items were recycled, gifted, or just tossed away. But oh there is so much more to go!! 

Minimalism is also good to apply to all aspects of your life; maybe simplification would be a better word to use. I have re-evaluated a lot of relationships. Do I honestly want to spend my time with negative people? You know the type, after you have been with them you feel like you're in a fog and sad and small inside. Or do I want to spend my time with positive people, so we are feeding off of each other's energy? And we know this type too ~ after you've been with them you feel energized and ready to take on the world.

The abundance of life can be found in the richness of our relationships, the clarity of a chickadee's song in the morning, the wonder in a child's eyes at Christmastime. None of these riches can be bought and set on a shelf. I want to make sure I have enough room, enough space, to welcome these experiences into my life.